Web Design Company in Bangalore

You want to provide your customers a great experience and website is the first place a customer visits to know more about your site. And First impression matters.

A great digital presence starts with a clear and effective website.

A great digital presence starts with having a clear and effective website. While most of the customers understand having the digital presence, another important component for improved web traffic and conversions is the customer experience.

Do visitors to your website want to stay on your site?

Do your visitors get confused by your messaging?

Does your design scare your vistors to move to the next site?

If you think yes could be the answer to any of the question, then you need to relook at your website design.

A good website should have all the storytelling elements in place to get the visitor to become a customer.

People try to save on design which can cost them a lot of money in revenue.

As an award-winning web designer Olga Shevchenko said “Save $10 on website design, and lose $100 on future sales revenue”.

This need not be the case.

We at Access1solutions build Websites that not only have great designs but create a positive user experience that turns visitors into customers.

Stages of our website design:

  • Identify the Goals of the Website
    Scope Definition – Understand the number of pages, features, timelines etc for the project
  • Sitemap and wireframe creation – Create a high level view of how the content and features will be structured in the site. Get a high level design in place
  • Create the Content – Create the content for individual pages
  • WEbsite Design – Start building the website
  • Testing – Test the website so that everything is working fine.
  • Launch – Go live.

Whether you need to develop a website from the scratch or redesign the existing website, we are here to help you. Contact us today!